Proposal and Exit Seminars

Spring 2025

January 28

February 25

March 19

Past Proposal and Exit Seminars

March 1

March 18

March 19

March 27

March 29

April 8

April 9

April 11

April 15

April 16

April 17

April 19

April 24

  • Preliminary Examination
    Evan Domsic
    1:00 p.m., NWREC, ArtB 115 and via Zoom

April 25

  • Preliminary Examination
    Zhaslan Akhmetov
    10:00 a.m., Plant Science Building 401 and via Zoom

May 13

September 8

  • Preliminary Examination
    Laura Valli
    11:00 a.m., WSU Breadlab, Burlington, WA and via Zoom

September 11

November 7

November 13

November 15

November 21

November 22

December 4

December 8

December 14

  • Preliminary Examination
    Diana Salguero
    9:00 a.m., Clark Hall 331 and via Zoom

December 15

May 22

July 17

August 25

  • Preliminary Examination
    Robin Morgan
    9:00 a.m., WSU Breadlab, Burlington, WA and via Zoom

February 16

Proposal Seminar

Katherine Smith
“Assessing the potential of canola-legume intercropping for sustainable intensification in eastern Washington” 

9:00 a.m., Clark 331 and via Zoom

March 7

March 27

Preliminary Examination

Matthew Brooke

9:00 a.m., Clark 393

March 31

Proposal Seminar

Chris Benedict
“Tracking the Changes in Weed Populations in Response to Tillage”

11:00 a.m., via Zoom

April 11

April 12

Proposal Seminar

Robin Morgan
“Can Plant Breeders Change Food Systems”

1:15-1:45 p.m., WSU Bread Lab and via Zoom

April 14

April 19

April 21

May 1

May 4

May 24

Final Examination

Julianne Kellogg
“Mainstreaming Biofortification with Participatory Crop Nutritional Characterization Research and Human Health Clinical Research” 

9:00 a.m., via Zoom

May 27

Final Examination

Jason Wigen
“QTL Analysis and Genomic Selection for Preharvest Sprouting Tolerance in Winter Wheat”

9:00 a.m., Johnson Hall 104E and via Zoom

July 28

Final Examination

Cristina Ocana Gallegos
“Evaluation of Preharvest Sprouting in a Diverse Panel of Quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd.)”

10:00 a.m., via Zoom

February 8

Final Examination

Evan Craine
“Breeding for Quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd.) and Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) End-Use Quality” 

9:00 a.m., Johnson Hall 104E and via Zoom

February 11

Proposal Defense

Merri Metcalf
“Wheat for Community Food Systems and Equitable Nutrient Availability”

8:30 a.m. via Zoom

March 24

Final Examination

Lance Merrick
“Into the Unknown: Predicting Wheat Disease Resistance and Seedling Emergence”

9:00 a.m., Johnson Hall 104E and via Zoom

March 25

Final Examination

Yingxue Yu
“Fate and Transport of Micro-and Nanoparticles in the Subsurface”

2:00 p.m., Puyallup R&E Center, Chicona Rm and via AMS/Zoom

March 29

Final Examination

Savannah Phipps
“Piece of PI: Novel Genetics for Snow Mold Tolerance in PI 173438

10:00 a.m., Johnson Hall 104E

April 8

Preliminary Examination

Merri Metcalfe

9:30 a.m., WSU Bread Lab Conference Room and via Zoom

April 12

Proposal Seminar

Atit Parajuli
“Genome Wide Assessment of Inbreeding Depression in Alfalfa”

2:00 p.m.

April 20

Final Examination

Madisyn Beaudoin
“Germination Response of Annual Grass Weeds to Gibberellic Acid 3 and Preemergence Herbicides in Eastern Washington Dryland Wheat Production”

1:30 p.m., Johnson Hall 151

April 21

Final Examination

Samuel Revolinski
“Cheating Cheatgrass: Understanding the Genetic and Phenotypic Variation Underlying Adaptive Traits in Downy Brome”

10:00 a.m., Johnson Hall 104E

April 28

Preliminary Examination

Kaushik Adhikari

3:00 p.m., via Zoom

April 29

Final Examination

Tessa Belo
“Reducing the Risk of Onion Bacterial Diseases through Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertility Management”

3:00 p.m., NWREC ArtB 115 and via Zoom

May 9

Final Examination

Nickolas Frisbee
“Soil Microbial Community and Winter Wheat Performance Across Eastern Washington State”

9:00 a.m., via Zoom

May 10

Preliminary Examination

Atit Parajuli

10:00 a.m., via Zoom

Final Examination

Molly Mcilquham
“Calibrating Soil Health Metrics for Washington State’s Primary Wine Grape Growing Region”

1:00 p.m,, NWREC ArtB Sakuma Auditorium and via Zoom

September 30

Preliminary Examination

Kwabena Sarpong

1 p.m. via Zoom

October 13

Proposal Seminar

Arjun Upadhaya
“Utilizing GWAS to Characterize Virulence in a Pacific Northwest Stem Rust Population and New Sources of Resistance in Barley”

10 a.m., Johnson 104E

October 26

Final Examination

Karansher Singh Sandhu
“Enhancing Genetic Gain in a Wheat Breeding Program Using Genomics, Phenomics, Machine and Deep Learning Algorithms”

1 p.m., Johnson 104E, Pullman and via Zoom

November 9

Preliminary Examination

Arjun Upadhaya

1 p.m., Johnson 104E

November 16

Final Examination

Nikayla Strauss
“Identifying Novel Disease Resistance and Drought Tolerance Genes in A Synthetic NAM Popluation”

11:00 a.m., Johnson Hall 104E and via Zoom

November 17

Final Examination

Samuel Prather
“Genetic Analysis of Hexaploid Spring Wheat for Hessian Fly Resistance and Improved End-Use Quality”

12:00 p.m., Johnson Hall 104E and via Zoom

November 18

Preliminary Examination

Zhou Tang

2:00 p.m., via Zoom

November 19

Proposal Seminar

Aichatou Djibo Waziri

9:00 a.m., Johnson Hall 104E and via Zoom

December 13

Final Examination

Leslie Michel
“On-Farm Cover Crop Trials in the Dryland Wheat Fallow Region of North-Central Washington”

9 a.m., Johnson Hall 104E and via Zoom

June 11

Proposal Seminar

Hatem Younes
“Water and Soil Quality Management for Root Health and Management of Verticillium Wilt in Potato”

1:00 p.m.

July 6

Final Examination

Abdelsalam Aldrmon
“Chemical and Physical Parameters of Biochar Produced from Different Feedstocks and Temperatures with Potential to Improve Properties of Sandy Soil”

9:00 a.m.

July 12

Final Examination

Cheyenne Sloan
“Nitrogen Supply from Soil Organic Matter: Predictors and Implications for Nutrient Management”

2:00 p.m.

July 19

Final Examination

Toby Una
“Winter Cover Crop Suitability for Improved Soil Health in Northwestern Washington”

3:00 p.m.

July 20

Final Examination

Wilson Craine
“Camelina Breeding and Genetics”

9:00 a.m.

February 5

Proposal Seminar

Rachel Breslauer
“Dissecting Contributions of Quinoa and Buckwheat to Agroecosystem and Human Health”

1:00-1:50 p.m.

March 26

Preliminary Examination

Rachel Breslauer

12:00-3:00 p.m.

April 14

Final Examination

Wei-An Chen

10:00 a.m.

April 20

Doctoral Examination

Chun-Peng James Chen
“A Paradigm Shift in Breeding: From Genomics to Phenomics” 

10:00 a.m.

April 22

Final Examination

Lydia Fields
“Assessment of Optical Spray Technology for Application in Eastern Washington Fallow Systems”

9:30 a.m.

April 30

Proposal Seminar

Kwabena (Kobby) Sarpong
“Developing a Soil Health Assessment Framework for Specialty Crop Systems and Soils of Washington State”

12:00-1:00 p.m.

December 7

Preliminary Examination

Emily Klarquist
9 a.m.
Meeting ID: 983 1776 1423

December 8

Preliminary Exam

Julianne Kellogg
12 p.m.
Zoom Meeting ID: 986 7448 6818
Passcode: 393313

December 18

Preliminary Exam

Aaron Appleby
9 a.m.
Zoom Meeting ID: 990 9731 8550 
Passcode: 087674

February 11

Proposal Defense Seminar

Yingxue Yu
“Transport of Phytophthora cactorum Zoospores in Unsaturated Porous Media”
Johnson Hall 104E, 1:00 a.m.
Zoom Meeting ID: 649 588 203

February 20

Preliminary Examination

Lee James Opdahl
Johnson Hall 272, 12:30 p.m.

February 21

Exit Seminar

Raul Arroyo Rosas
“Control of Rattail Fescue (vulpia myuros) in Carbon-Seeded Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass”
Johnson Hall 151, 1:00 p.m.

February 25

Proposal Defense Seminar

Katherine Naasko
“Effects of Management on Soil Organic Matter, Physical and Microbial Properties in the Inland Pacific Northwest”
Johnson Hall 326, 10:00 a.m.

March 30

Exit Seminar

Jacob Fischer
“Chemical Control of Rush Skeletonweed (Chondrilla juncea) During Summer Fallow in Eastern Washington”

The exam will be conducted entirely via ZOOM.

Zoom Meeting ID: 669 788 946

April 8

Preliminary Exam

Yingxue Yu

Zoom Meeting ID: 511 498 074

April 15

Preliminary Exam

Shahbaz Ahmed

2 p.m.

Zoom Meeting ID: 940 481 108

April 21

Preliminary Exam

Karansher Singh Sandhu

1 p.m.

Zoom Meeting ID: 611 652 993

April 30

Ph.D. Proposal Seminar

Samuel Revolinski
“Cheating Cheatgrass: Applying Quantitative Genomic Tools to Improve Management Decisions for Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum L.) Using Evolutionary Principles” 

4:30 p.m.

Zoom Meeting ID: 581 944 629

May 6

Exit Seminar

Jared Beuschlein
“Management of Ventenata with Indaziflam on Conservation Reserve Program Land”

1 p.m.

Zoom Meeting ID: 989 8558 4346 

Password: 056495

May 14

Preliminary Exam

Kaviraj Singh

1 p.m.

Zoom Meeting ID: 928 1271 9064

May 20

Ph.D. Proposal Seminar

Julianne Kellogg
“Advancing Biofortification: Broadening Scope and Impact with New Crops, New Methods, and Assessment of Human Health Impacts”

2 p.m.

Zoom Meeting ID: 559 736 914

May 28

Final Examination

Pragya Asthana

1 p.m.

Zoom Meeting ID: 938 7821 4216

May 29

Final Examination

Cassandra J. Rieser
“Soil Health and Microbial Communities in Dryland Cereal Cropping Systems of the Pacific Northwest”

11 a.m.

Zoom Meeting ID: 916 6201 8409 

Password: 531549

September 4

Lee Opdahl
Investigation on the effects of metal lactates on wheat and wheat rhizosphere microorganisms
Johnson Hall 204 – 1:00 p.m.

November 1

Karansher Singh Sandhu
“Genome-Wide Association Studies and Genomic Selection in Wheat”
Johnson Hall 204 – 3:00 p.m.

November 15

Aysegul Eroglu
“The Identification of Some Unknown Allium Accessions for Ornamental Value”
Johnson Hall 204E – 8:00 a.m.