Proposal Defense – Gagandeep Kaur

Clark 393 Pullman

"Short Term Outcomes of Sustainable Management Practices on Soil Health and Nutritional Composition of Crops in Dryland Cropping Systems"10:00-10:30 a.m., Clark Hall 393 and via Zoom

Final Examination – Simon Nelson

Clark 393 Pullman

"Improving Emergence in Winter Canola in the Pacific Northwest"9:00 a.m., Clark 393 and via Zoom

Final Examination – Kaitlynn Davis

Clark 393 Pullman

"Professional Development Needs of Early-Career Agriculture Teachers in Washington State"10:30 a.m., Clark 393

Final Examination – Andrew Spishakoff

Clark 393 Pullman

"Rhizosphere microbiome diversity in field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) and it's implications for plant and soil health in eastern Washington" Clark Hall 393, 1:00 p.m.

Final Examination – Atit Parajuli

Clark 393 Pullman

"Understanding Complex Traits in Alfalfa through Transcriptomics, Genomics, and Proteomics"10:00 a.m., Clark 393 and via Zoom

Pie Day

Clark 393 Pullman

Pie Friday

Clark 393 Pullman

Bring a pie, eat pie, bring other desserts, eat other desserts.