Proposal Defense – Peter Schmuker

ITB 3050

"Improving Spring Wheat Breeding Efficiency through Genomic, Phenomic, and Multi-Environment Modeling Strategies"

Seminar – Xianran Li

FSHN 354

"Phenotypic plasticity mediated adaptation: a tale from integrating citizen science and open science" Xianran Li is a Research Biologist specializing in Computational Bioinformatics at the USDA-ARS Wheat Health, Genetics, and […]

Seminar – Renan Uhdre

FSHN 354

"Connecting Genes and Nutrition: Association Studies and Chromosomal Synteny in Legumes"

Seminar – Camille Steber

FSHN 354

"Are there three roads or one highway to alpha-amylase in wheat grain? LMA, vivipary and preharvest sprouting"

Seminar – Markus Flury

FSHN 354

"The Role of Air-Water Interfaces in Colloid Transport in Porous Media"