Seminar – Dr. Marwa Sanad


“Current and future use of artificial intelligence to advance plant biology”

Proposal Seminar – Adele Jamalzei

ITB 3050

"Enhancing Spring Wheat Yield through Integrating QTL Pyramiding & High Throughput-Phenotyping"1:30 p.m., ITB Room 3050 and via Zoom

Final Examination – Britton Bourland

PSB 405 Pullman

"Exploring Genetic Insights for Cold Tolerance in Bitter Vetch (Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.) and its Proposed Benefits for Sustainable Agriculture"

Final Examination – Claire Yost

via Zoom

"Regulated Deficit Irrigation Conserves Water but has Limited Impacts on Cider Apple Fruit and Juice Quality"

Seminar – Sarah Dohle


Seminars will be held at FSHN T101 and via Zoom. "Wild beans and citizen science, enhancing genetic resources"

Final Examination – Simon Nelson

Clark 393 Pullman

"Improving Emergence in Winter Canola in the Pacific Northwest"9:00 a.m., Clark 393 and via Zoom

Seminar – Parteek Kumar

FSHN 354

"From Data to harvest: How generative AI is shaping precision agriculture"

Seminar – Nonoy Bandillo

FSHN 354

'A Multi-Omic Approach for Genetic Mapping and Prediction of Antagonistic Traits' Nonoy Bandillo is an assistant professor and project director of the Small Grains Breeding Program at North Carolina State University. He earned […]