Read here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
Priority Deadlines
The priority deadline for Fall term applications is January 10.
The priority deadline for Spring term applications is July 1.
The application portal will still remain open after these dates.
Applications are most competitive when the priority deadlines are met.
Application Requirements
All application requirements should be received by the deadlines mentioned above for priority consideration.
- WSU Graduate School Application. This is an electronic application that requires a $90.00 application fee. The department does not offer application fee waivers.
- Statement of Professional Goals: Please address such issues as interests, anticipated thesis research or areas of research interest, career objectives, experiences in research and teaching, and financial ability.
- Resume/CV.
- GRE (optional, but encouraged) ETS code 4705.
- Language Requirements for international students. Please refer to the detailed information on the Graduate School site. Applicants who are required to submit exam scores will be held incomplete until those are received.
- Three letters of recommendation: You will need to provide the names and email addresses of three people who are willing to write letters of recommendation for you. Once you choose your three recommenders, be sure to inform them that they will be completing the recommendation electronically and ask that they monitor their inbox for your recommendation request (which will come from, including any junk or spam folders.
- Transcripts from every college and university you have attended (photocopies are acceptable for initial application review, official transcripts are required for official admission to WSU).
Applicants who attend school outside the United States or Canada should also include copies of mark sheets, grade reports, or examination results, along with degree certificates from all higher education institutions attended outside the United States or Canada—including English translations.
Review and Acceptance
Applications are reviewed as they are received.
In addition to meeting the Graduate School’s admission criteria, acceptance into the Crop Science and Soil Science graduate programs depends not only on qualifications (background, academic success, optional GRE scores, statement of professional goals) but also on the availability of funding and an advisor in the applicant’s area of interest. Positions are limited and students are individually selected by faculty members with matching interests who have an opening for a graduate student.
The department is responsible for making admission recommendations to the Graduate School. Although the department may send unofficial notice of acceptance, the Graduate School is responsible for final admission and issuance of the official admission certificate.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
WSU does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, age, religion, creed, genetic information, marital status, protected veteran/military status, or immigration or citizenship status in any education program or activity that it operates complaint with Title IX and other civil rights laws and regulations. Inquiries regarding Title IX, ADA, or other civil rights laws, as well as reports of discrimination can be directed to the Compliance and Civil Rights, WSU ADA Coordinator, or WSU Title IX Coordinator. More information on WSU’s policies and procedures to respond to discrimination and harassment are available here: Nondiscrimination statement.