Mayview Crop Tour

46.597160, -117.404442

Starting location for this crop tour is 46.597160, -117.404442.

Eureka (WSU/OSU) Crop Tour

46.2971514, -118.6331472

Starting location for this crop tour is 46.2971514, -118.6331472.

Dayton Crop Tour

46.331880, -117.961550

Starting location for this tour is 46.331880, -117.961550.

St. John Crop Tour

47.070973, -117.532891

Starting location for this crop tour is 47.070973, -117.532891.

Farmington Crop Tour

47.036094, -117.045534

Starting location for this tour is 47.036094, -117.045534.

Pullman Crop Tour

46.695415, -117.128936

Starting location for this tour is 46.695415, -117.128936.

Wilke Farm Field Day

Wilke Research and Extension Farm 39440 St Rt 2 East, Davenport

Bickleton Crop Tour

46.024942, -120.283326

Starting location for this tour is 46.024942, -120.283326.

Final Examination – Andrew Spishakoff

Clark 393 Pullman

"Rhizosphere microbiome diversity in field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) and it's implications for plant and soil health in eastern Washington" Clark Hall 393, 1:00 p.m.