We are pleased you are considering the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University for your graduate studies! Whether you are interested in pursuing a Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degree, you will find dedicated and caring faculty, staff, and students ready to welcome you to our program.
Degrees and Certificates Offered
Master’s Degree (MS) or Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Soil Science
Soils may be studied either as natural bodies or as a medium for chemical and biochemical interactions for transport of water, solutes and heat, and for plant growth. Washington State University is located in one of the best geographical areas in the world for the study of soils as naturally occurring bodies. Graduate programs are usually designed to specialize in the physical, chemical, biological, mineralogical, geomorphological, or fertility aspects of the soil system.
Master’s Degree (MS) or Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Crop Science
Crop Science specialization areas include Plant Genetics and Crop Breeding, Crop Physiology, and Crop Ecology, Management and Production. While students may elect to specialize in one area, excellent opportunities are available for the development of graduate research projects integrating two or more areas.
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture
The Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture provides post-baccalaureate students with an interdisciplinary understanding of practices and current issues in sustainable agriculture, along with the science that makes it work. Students who earn the Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture may take these skills into all industries and agencies involved in the food chain; from production, processing, and delivery to policy, regulation, and education.
Undergraduate Certificate in Organic Agriculture
The Certificate in Organic Agriculture is an 18-credit undergraduate program that can be taken along with a major in another field, or as a stand-alone educational experience. The certificate is ideal for professionals working in agriculture or related fields who require in-depth knowledge of organic systems, those wanting to pursue a career in organic agriculture, anyone interested in beginning a community supported agriculture (CSA) enterprise, home gardeners, as well as current WSU students in other majors at WSU with an interest in organic agriculture.
Graduate Studies
We offer M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Crop Science and Soil Science, with the ability to focus research in a variety of specialized areas within each discipline. Current research foci in Crop Science include plant breeding, genomics, molecular genetics, grass management, and weed science. We work with wheat, forages, barley, alternative grains (quinoa, spelt, oats), grain legumes, brassicas and turf. The Soil Science program features research in biogeochemistry, microbiology, nutrient management, the rhizosphere and vadose zone hydrology. Crop and Soil Science faculty also lead collaborative research on agricultural systems such as organic, sustainable and precision agriculture and cropping systems. Program options in human dimensional areas include agricultural education and rural sociology.
Faculty in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences support courses in the following prefixes.
- WSU Catalog – AFS (Agricultural and Food Systems)
- WSU Catalog – AG_ED (Agricultural Education)
- WSU Catalog – AGRI (General Agriculture)
- WSU Catalog – AGTM (Agricultural and Technology Management)
- WSU Catalog – CROP_SCI (Crop Science)
- WSU Catalog – SOIL_SCI (Soil Science)
Internships and Undergraduate Research Experiences
For information regarding internships and undergraduate research experiences, go to our page Internships/Summer Employment.
Note: Most courses utilize Canvas as the web interface where login is required and access via myWSU is limited to those enrolled.