Seminar – Doug Collins

FSN 354

Doug Collins, Extension Specialist and Soil Scientist WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources"Urban Underground: Agroecological Functions of Soils in the City"

Seminar – Kim Garland Campbell

FSN 354

Kim Garland Campbell, Crops Graduate Coordinator"Review of Graduate Student Programs and Climate at WSU"

Seminar – Paul Galewski

FSN 354

Paul Galewski, Research Geneticist and Curator - USDA ARS Plant Introduction"Genetic Resource Conservation at the Western Region Plant Introduction Station"

Special seminar – Uruguay Study-Abroad: Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

FSN 354

Jessica Goldberger and Holly Henning co-led a study-abroad program titled Exploring Agriculture, Community, and Sustainable Livelihoods to Colonia Valdense, Uruguay, in March 2023. In this presentation, they will share their experiences with program development, student recruitment, fundraising, learning assessment, course development, and more! FSHN 354 and via Zoom