Fall 2010 Crop Science Seminars

Seminars are held Mondays at 3:10pm and originate at WSU-Pullman in Johnson Hall 204 (unless otherwise noted). Arrangements have been made to broadcast to Mt. Vernon, Puyallup and Prosser stations. Organized by Arron Carter, ahcarter@wsu.edu

August 23

Wesley Everman, Weed Extension Specialist. Michigan State University
Weed utilization of nitrogen: Thieves in the corn field

August 27 (Friday, 11:10am)

Sieglinde Snapp, Associate Professor of Soils and Cropping System Ecology, Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences and W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University
Sustainability in row crop ecology-from Malawi to Michigan

August 30

Organizational meeting – no seminar

September 6

All University Holiday – no seminar

September 13

Jeff Endelman, PhD Candidate, Crop Science, WSU
Genome-wide association mapping in barley

September 20

Anna Kondratiuk, Double Haploid Lab Manager, WSU
Double haploid facility introduction

September 27

Kim Kidwell, Associate Dean of Academic Programs, College of Agriculture, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences, WSU
Expanding international research and transformation learning activities in plant and soil sciences

October 4

John Gardner, Vice Provost, Economic Development and Global Engagement, WSU
Next generation biofuels

October 11

Xianming Chen, Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS, Pullman, WA
HTAP resistance is still the key for sustainable control of stripe rust

October 18 (joint seminar with Soil Science at 1:10)

CSS Graduate Students
Statewide Tour Report

October 25

Austin Case, MS Candidate, Crop Science, WSU

November 1

ASA-CSSA-SSSA meetings – no seminar

November 8

Brady Carter, PHD Candidate, Crop Science, WSU
Strategies for investigating moisture in post-harvest products

November 15

Neeraj Kumar, Post-Doctorcal Research Associate, WSU
Imazamox resistant wheat

November 22

Thanksgiving break – no seminar

November 29

Carl Walker, PhD Candidate, Crop Science, WSU

December 6

Surya Shrestha, PhD Candidate, Crop Science, WSU
Genetical and environmental control of flowering