
Meijing Liang

Meijing Liang

Research Assistant - GraduatePhD Candidate Crop and Soils PO Box 646420, Pullman, WA 99164

Advisor: Dr. Zhiwu Zhang

My main research focuses are on Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) and Genomic Selection (GS) for animal or plant breeding. I have a wide variety of interests, such as remote sensing, GIS, deep learning, bioinformatics, and Quantitative Genetics. I am currently investigating wheat kernel classification with convolutional neural networks and alfalfa forage prediction with UAV imagery.

I love spending time in the outdoors. My favorite activities are skiing, mushroom hunting, and fly fishing.

Areas of research interest:  Statistical Genomics, GIS, Remote Sensing

Educational background:  B.S. (Animal Science) & M.S. (Animal Breeding and Genetics) at Northeast Agricultural University, China