Clark Neely
Associate Professor, Extension Agronomist and Cereal Variety Testing Lead clark.neely@wsu.edu (509) 335-1205 261 Clark Hall PO Box 646420, Pullman, WA 99164Education
- B.S. in Agriculture Extension & Education (Pennsylvania State University)
- M.S. in Plant Science (University of Idaho)
- Ph.D. in Agronomy (Texas A&M University)
- CS 403/503
Research Interests
- Dryland Cropping Systems
- Cereal Variety Testing
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- Smith, G.R., M.L. Aiosa, V. Corriher-Olsen, T.R. Faske, C.B. Neely, A. Somenahally, and F.M. Rouquette, Jr. 2020. Evaluation of Cowpea Germplasm for Biomass Production, Seed Yield and Southern Root-Knot Nematode Resistance. Crop, Forage Turfgrass Man. 6:e20040
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- Isakeit, T., B. Commer, B. D. Shaw, M. Brown, and C. Neely. 2017. First Report of Leaf Spot of Barley Caused by Drechslera gigantea in the United States. Plant Disease. 8:1548.
- Liu, X., S. Feakins, X. Dong, Q. Xue, T. Marek, D. Leskovar, C. Neely, and A. Ibrahim. 2017. Experimental study of leaf wax n-alkane response in winter wheat cultivars to drought conditions. Organic Geochemistry. 113:210-223.
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