Weed Identification

WSU Extension provides a weed identification service where your specimens may be identified by a professional taxonomist or weed science Extension specialist. There is no charge.

Weeds are identified by flowers and fruits/seeds. Leaves, stems, buds, and roots may also aid in identification.

Digital Identification Method:

Digital images may be taken by cell phone or digital camera, but the best method for creating digital images of your specimens is with a flatbed scanner. Please include a ruler, coin, etc. in your image for determining scale. Digital images of your specimen should be emailed to: invasive.plant.diagnostics@gmail.com.

Physical Identification Method:

To submit a physical specimen, place the sample in a sealed zip-lock bag with a DRY paper towel and mail to: Weed Identification, PO Box 272 Pullman, WA 99163

Information to Include with your Digital or Physical Specimen

Along with your physical or digital specimen, please include information about where you found the plant growing. This information should include geographic location (county, city, etc.) , as well as habitat (roadside, pasture, lawn, garden, forest, meadow, crop and crop name, stream, pond, beach, rangeland, etc.). Also, describe any aspects of the weed not readily apparent in the sample submitted (odor, growth habit, height, flower color, milky juice, extent of the infestation, associated species, etc.), as well as your reason for concern (invasiveness, curiosity, toxicity, etc.) and any other information that might be of use. Include your phone number and email address.

What will I get back?

  • Common name
  • Scientific name
  • Comments regarding the species
  • Weed control methods are not provided with identification
  • Responses for both digital and physical identifications are generally done electronically.