Final Examination – Shahbaz Ahmed

PBS 301 Pullman

"Exploring Arabidopsis Molecular Insights, Brassica Napus AHL Genome-Wide Analysis, and Genotype Stability Assessment: A Multi-Pronged Approach to Enhance Canola Traits" 11:00 a.m., PBS 301 and via Zoom

Seminar – Fabio Scarpare

FSHN 354

“Crop water demand and supply under climate change in the Pacific Northwest”

2023 Campbell Lecture – Ning Lu

BLS 402

‘Unitary Definition of Soil Water Potential’ Please note this presentation will be held in the Biotechnology Life Sciences Building, Room 402.

Seminar – Drew Lyon

FSHN 354

“Smooth Scouringrush from the Dinosaurs to Direct Seed"

Seminar – John Fowler, Jr.

FSHN 354

'Collaboration as Key in the Plant Sciences: Understanding Genotype-to-Phenotype Relationships & Changing Our Scientific Culture'

Seminar – Darren Drewery

FSHN 354

‘Biophysical Simulation of Terrestrial Ecohydrological Function’

Final Examination – Tayler Reinman

Clark Hall 331

"Evaluating Characteristics of Proso Millet Cultivars and Potential for Adoption in the Inland Pacific Northwest"