Final Examination – Robin Morgan

WSU Breadlab Burlington

"Are Plant Breeders Willing to Change Food Systems?"1:00 p.m., WSU Bread Lab and via Zoom

PhD Proposal Seminar

Clark Hall 331

"Farmer Perceptions and Alternative Management of Soil Compaction in Eastern Washington Cropping Systems"12:30 p.m., Clark Hall Room 331 and via Zoom

Seminar – Doug Collins

FSN 354

Doug Collins, Extension Specialist and Soil Scientist WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources"Urban Underground: Agroecological Functions of Soils in the City"

Seminar – Clare Coyne

FSHN 354

Clare Coyne, Research Geneticist and Curator - USDA ARS Plant Introduction"Around the World with 80 Legumes"

Seminar – Bill Hendrix

FSHN 354

Bill Hendrix, Valent (Retired)"Keeping your LGBTQ+ identity with a Career in the Ag Industry"