About Us
The Organic Farm is committed to education, research, and extension. As a teaching farm the primary goal is to pass on the skills necessary to grow organic fruits and vegetables in an intensive small-scale environment. The farm is available to the WSU scientific community to conduct organic research projects. In addition, the farm strives to provide fresh produce to local food banks and non-profits.

A state-of-the-art teaching and research facility to support our world class program

Selling our Produce Locally
Today’s consumers care about where their food comes from and how it is grown. Washington State University is a leader in organic agricultural research and education. The Eggert Family Organic Farm expands and enhances our current Organic Farm into a 30 acre model farm showcasing cutting edge technology and innovation.
The WSU Eggert Family Farm sells fruits and vegetables through a couple of different local venues. The bulk of our produce is sold at the Moscow Food Coop. They purchase a variety of items from us including spring greens, root vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, tree fruit (pears, peaches, plums, apples, cherries) summer & winter squashes, herbs, and microgreens. During our summer harvest, the Moscow Coop receives deliveries from two harvests a week (in the winter, one harvest a week) which helps to guarantee freshness.
Other venues that the WSU Eggert Family Farm sell to include LINC distributors in Spokane. LINC is a local distributor that aims to connect a coop of farmers to a market that emphasizes purchasing local ingredients. LINC makes this collection of local produce available to local restaurants and institutions including WSU Hospitality, WSU Catering, and Gonzaga University. LINC also supports a local CSA called LINC Box which supplies about 125 subscriptions with vegetables, honey, meat, bread, and other local products. Visit their website for more information: http://www.lincfoods.com!
The last few venues where WSU Eggert Organic Farm sells produce include the On-Farm Friday Markets, local restaurants, occasional campus/farm events (Earth Day Harvest Festival), occasional set ups at the Farmers’ Market (based on student availability), and to local food banks. Our on-farm markets start up in late May or June to October every Friday from 3pm -6pm. To gather a sneak peak at what produce is available before market, sign up for our e-newsletter. Local restaurants will also feature our produce on occasion. Such restaurants include Nectar, Sangria Grille, Maialina, Lodgepole, and Black Cypress. And last, but definitely not least, Council on Aging in Colfax will purchase produce from us for the Senior Housing and Food Bank programs when grants are available to them. When our Farm has excess at the end of the day, donations of produce are made to the Community Action Center or to Backyard Harvest.
The WSU Eggert Family Organic Farm plays a dynamic role is our local food system and economy. We depend on the many partners and collaborators mentioned above. So do your part and remember, buy local!